Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day--2020

With the current situation in our country with the pandemic, life as we know it has changed drastically.  Because school has closed and graduations being held very differently, we decided to come earlier to Butte than we usually do.  As a result, I am spending my first Mother's Day here.  As I was sitting on the couch last night, I was able to see the beautiful statue of Our Lady of the Rockies.  It was built and dedicated to mothers everywhere.

This is my third year of not having a "mother" figure in my life who we could celebrate Mother's Day with.  And my kids are in Arizona, so Dave and I will be barbecuing steaks and having a nice dinner together.   (And yes, we are still getting along after being together 24/7 and doing a road trip with the two pugs!)

I was so fortunate to be raised by mom wonderful mother, Margaret Shannon.  We lived at the old family home in Douglas with my Aunt Teresa.  My Aunt Teresa was also my mother.  I loved her dearly and feel so fortunate to have had her in my life until almost three years ago.  Not very many people have a parent when they are well into their 60's.  We also had the privilege of being raised by our Mary Berumen.  Mary worked for our family from 1946 until about 2003.  She wasn't  an "employee" but part of our family.  When she died in 2008, she was buried in our family plot in Douglas.  These three wonderful women made me who I am today.

Growing up in a small town, I also was fortunate to have many elders who influenced me in so many ways.  And I am also fortunate to have had wonderful aunts who I loved dearly. 

I don't want this day to go by without being so thankful for Dave's mom.  Dorothy Uggetti raised an incredible son.  I wish I could have know her and Dave's dad.  I think from what Dave has told me, they would be very happy for both of us.  I am so happy that we bought the house Dave grew up in last summer and that we live right next door in the home his cousins grew up in.  It makes up a bit for having to sell the house in Douglas. 

I think that having to be at home so much over the last many weeks, has given me time to reflect on a lot of things.   I feel so badly for the families who have lost loved ones due to COVID19.  However, one of the saddest deaths for me lately was a former student at Gilbert El last week.  She did not die from COVID and was only 25 years old.  Her mom, Meagen, is one of the dearest friends.  I loved her and all of her family.  Meagen called me to let me know about Maria's death shortly after it happened.  I cried all day and it has been particularly difficult for many reasons.  Meagen is one of the strongest women I know and an awesome mother.  I can't imagine "celebrating" Mother's Day today and burying their daughter tomorrow.  I said that to her last night.  Since we can't attend the funeral tomorrow, I will be thinking about their family all day.   My heart is broken for them.



3 remarks:

Unknown said...

Thank you. It is 2:29 a.m. My birthday time. I woke up and felt compelled to look at your blog. I'll be honest I haven't looked at any blogs in a long time nor have I written.

My Mother's day was difficult, but it was also one of the best.

Paul and I had a middle of the night bawl just holding each other.

My girls arranged with the lovely Jennifer for the three of us to get hair cuts at 6:30 a.m. The three of us don't always "hang out" and share deeply and get along. I think we provided Jennifer with some entertainment, but I believe the three of us were really trying to understand each other.

My youngest boy picked up Maria's violin and began playing. I haven't had live violin music played in the house in a couple of years. It was such a gift, and he didn't even know what an amazing gift it was to me.

My eldest boy was able to spend many evenings up to the day and just hang and entertain.

Maria's love came for lunch provided by three wonderful work friends. His kindness and love for her bring us strength. We hope we are his strength as well.

I was able to crawl up next to my mom and snuggle, cry, and laugh.

I made amends with a woman that was very important in my children's lives, but when teenage years hit, we couldn't see eye to eye.

My sister and I spent hours preparing the placards for Maria's funeral. It was therapeutic and reminded us of how much Maria spread her light.

The day was full of great mom moments. God has been good to us. Our community has been good to us. We feel the prayers enveloping us and protecting us.

I guess I just hijacked your blog. I love you Sheila. I love Dave. I love your family. I thank you for all the years you have helped me be a mom.


Unknown said...

I wrote a lengthy response yesterday. Did you get it?

Cheela said...


For some reason, I missed a bunch of comments. This made me cry.