Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pug Survivor Douglas Edition--Latest Transgression

The latest edition of "Pug Survivor--Douglas Edition" has added another chapter. Since Pedro was deported in August, things have run fairly smoothly. Pancho was here successfully for most of August and September. He and Lucy loved the front yard and Pancho truly learned to bark only when it was necessary.

Early in September, Pancho returned to Gilbert and Diego came down to see how he could do for a few weeks with his naughtiness. He has done a fairly good job, and Teresa has become quite fond of him, as she did Pancho. On Monday, she went for her first drive in her car since breaking her wrist. Her cast is off now and she decided she was ready to get back on the road. Needless to say, I was a bit nervous. However, she decided to drive to the bank and do a few errands. Diego and Lucy were very excited and got into the garage and jumped into the car with her. At least Diego jumped into the car. She had to help Lucy get in. Diego (who Teresa calls James because she can't remember his name) was in the front seat, happy as a pug can be. They went to the bank and then drove to a few more places. I can only say that I think our black pugs may now be white after that nail-biting experience!!!

Anyway, every morning when I come down after getting ready for work, I put the pugs out for a bit. When they come in, they immediately run to get in bed with Teresa and get as close to her as possible. Of course, Diego (aka James) always has to run up and walk on her head and lick her face. She is actually enjoying the attention.

Tonight when I got home from work, I found out that Diego may have committed a "faux paux" actually worse than Pedro's barking!!!!! Teresa went to physical therapy and when she came home, she couldn't find her rosary. She looked everywhere, and guess what?????? Diego/James took it off of the table and chewed it up. Well, there is probably no worse crime than can be committed!!!!!!!

When I mentioned the Douglas/Agua Prieta Shuttle, she said absolutely not. She would not allow him to go back that way. Oh my gosh, what have our pugs done to my dear Aunt Teresa? Can she possibly be falling under their spell?

Stay tuned to the latest news coming out of Douglas and Pug Survivor--Douglas Edition!!!!!!

4 remarks:

NP said...

Ummmm ~ can dogs commit mortal sins????? Just wondering :)
Love & hugs,

Anonymous said...

Sheila, that story is sooooooo funny!!!! I lol! I love the aka, James name! I'll be praying for Diego that Teresa doesn't change her mind and send him on the shuttle!!!

L- said...

Greg and I are HUGE fans of this show! Can't wait for the next edition of Pug Survivor! I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

Next it'll be the Novenas that Diego/James gets to. Teresa had better not leaving them sitting out!!! What a reprieve -- he doesn't have to take the shuttle!!!
