Friday, May 28, 2021


What an incredible evening tonight with what is hopefully a return to normalcy!!! I had the privilege to be a part of Mesquite High School's 2021 graduation. I was able to represent the GPS Governing Board to accept these graduates. I was able to add something personal and that was for me to be able to be there tonight was especially important because in 2009 when I was principal at Gilbert El, I was able to give a number of the students their kindergarten diplomas. As Principal Rod Huston and I congratulated the students, I had so many students say, "Mrs. Rogers, I was one of your kindergartners." It was amazing. Tonight truly made up for a very difficult year. I got a lot of hugs and that has not happened for a long time. What a privilege this was for me!!! I can't even begin to explain how much this night meant to me. It has been such a rough year being on the Board. I know the kids and families needed last night, but so did I!!


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