Tuesday, May 17, 2022



Every time I write about having the energy to do something and then I do it, it seems that I then have a few days where my energy is "GONE!"  To say it has been frustrating is an understatement.  I hate being dependent on anyone and I want to be able to do just menial things around the house.  Someone posted this in a group that I belong to and it says it all!  It came at exactly the time I needed it and truly put the lack of energy into perspective for me.  

Yesterday and today were two of those days.  I could hardly do anything and was zapped.  My one goal was to make the Governing Board meeting tonight, which I did.  It took everything I had to get dressed up, put on make up and wear my wig--but I made it.

So this saying really meant a lot to me for what it says and that is all I am going to say about it!!!!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED...................................!

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