Friday, December 3, 2021

Wigging Out..........

Tuesday night we had our end of month business meeting for the GPS Governing Board.  I was able to go with my wig on CORRECTLY!  Judy came over and helped me put it on so that it looked right and was not crooked, etc.  I tried to get it as close as possible to my hair style that I have had.  It actually looks better than my hair ever did (unless it was the day I got it cut).   It felt good to get a little dressed up for a change and it really felt good to get out of the house, even if it was for a meeting.  Even though very few people wear masks,  it is a big room and we are spaced fairly well.  Of course, I wore my mask and will continue to do so.

The meeting went well and wasn't too long.  We had nothing controversial on the agenda, so that was good as we didn't have a lot of people wanting to speak.  I absolutely believe it is important that the public is allowed a voice.  I just always hope it is done with courtesy and respect.   I don't think a lot of people realize the hours that are put in by board members who do not get paid a penny for what we do.

On Wednesday, we had to get up early as I was scheduled for chemo to start at 9:00.   Since I have to be there the majority of the day, I have quite a few things to pack.   I fixed a half a tuna sandwich, cheese, crackers, some water and Dave made me an iced caramel coffee that is DELICIOUS.  I also had to take my electronic devices, headphones, etc. so I could listen to music or my audible book or read and play some games. I also have to take a blanket, as it gets a bit chilly in the chemo room.  What this means it that I have a lot to "pack" in for the day.  

Patrick helped me get everything up to the doctor's office and one of the nurses helped me take everything into the room.   My dear friend, Jan, gave me a "port" shirt as she had been through chemo previously.  It has zippers in places that make it easier to get to the port and much more comfortable.  It is awesome!   Also, having the port is so much easier than a needle in the arm.  With all of the drugs they put in, it is much better going through the port.

The day went well.  I actually was able to sleep a little bit in the morning when the benedryl hit me. That was a good thing. 

Everyone who works in this practice are so kind and so helpful.  The nurses take such good care of all of the patients and treat each person with dignity and respect.   Some of the patients are a bit grumpy (which I get), but I laugh with them and thank them because I believe it is the right thing to do!

When I was finished with everything about 3, I packed all of my bags and figured out how carry out everything as easily as possible.   As I was walking out of the room, Dr. Bhoola was standing at the counter looking at a chart.  When he saw me he offered to help me carry everything out.  I was blown away by that.  I thanked him and told him that I had it figured out and was fine.  He is not only an excellent doctor, but is also an incredible human being who has EMPATHY!

I am feeling pretty good and it has been two days after my second treatment.  Last night, Judy came over and I helped her make chili beans for a chili cook-off at her school today.  I had started the beans early in the morning (and had a bowl with cheese for lunch).  I had everything ready when she got here.  She and Patrick "followed my orders" and the chili turned out very good.   We had some for dinner.  I am anxious to know how it was received at her school today.

So far so good in terms of how I feel.  Other than fatigue and a few minor aches and pains, I am doing well.   Last time it wasn't until Sunday that I had anything, but I was just uncomfortable.  

The only issue I am having is that I can't get out and about because of the lack of respect so many people have by not wearing masks and taking this seriously.   But it is what it is and I just have to do my best to take care of myself!!

TO BE CONTINUED...........

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