Thursday, April 30, 2020

Jessie and Elise

I have been extremely fortunate throughout my life to have been blessed with many good friends.  And I mean that very sincerely as many people have friends, but I truly have had and continue to have many, many dear friends.  
Elise and I have been friends since she lived across and down the street from us in Douglas when I was probably five or six years old.   Elise was a year behind me in school, but because of our birthdays, just about two years apart in age.  We played together during those years back and forth between houses.  Elise's family moved to a bigger and nicer house so we were no longer neighbors.  Plus she went to public schools and I went to Loretto Catholic.  Fortunately, our moms had become good friends so we continued our friendship.
I don't remember doing a lot of things during our elementary years that didn't involve our families.  However, when we went to high school, we rekindled our friendship.  It isn't often that one can have a truly dear friend for over 65 years and that is what we have.
Through the years, we wouldn't talk for a few years or see each other. Sometimes we would get together when we were both in Douglas.  However, I always knew that I could make a phone call if I ever needed anything. 
Elise's parents and her sister, Ann, always meant a lot to me.  Growing up in a small town is so different than a big city.  
I remember going to Elise's first husband, Wes', funeral in 2002. He died right after my mom died.  Elise, Ann and her mom came to my 60th birthday party.  I don't remember what year it was, but I went to the celebration of her wedding to Jessie.
After I went to Douglas in 2010, our friendship was truly one of the most important pieces of my life.  I was able to get away and go to Tucson or meet them at our cabin to unwind from taking care of my dear Aunt Teresa and the stress of being a school superintendent.  When I look back at that time, I truly believe that Jessie and Elise saved my sanity (or what little of it I had left)!  They were always there for me.  I would always tease Jessie about him having a brother like him that I could marry.  He does have a brother who I am sure is much like him but has been happily married for many years.  
I remember one time a few years ago, I was dating a guy that I wasn't sure about.  Jessie and Elise came up and spent some time with me and we all went out to dinner.  They confirmed what I was thinking--he wasn't the right one.
Then I met Dave.  I really didn't need their input because I was totally sure about Dave and who he was and how we would make our lives together.  But the bonus that I got was the fact that we all get along so well.  Dave has come to feel that Jessie and Elise are just as much his friends as mine.  
They have  come to Montana the last two summers for several days.  We have gone down and stayed with them, gone on two cruises, and also had some cabin visits.  When we are together, it is totally relaxed, it is fun, and it is something I have never experienced before in my life--being couple of friends where all four people truly like each other.
Dave and Jessie have become friends.  Last summer, they went fishing two different days.  Jessie had never been fishing like that before and I think that it really bonded he and Dave.  
One of the many things I admire about both Jessie and Elise is their devotion to Elise's son, Chris.  Chris was in an automobile accident many years ago and requires 24/7 care.  Jessie is amazing in his care of Chris and his support of Elise.
Yesterday was Jessie's birthday.  He called me (before we had a chance to call him) to let me know about the death of Elise's nephew.  Sadly, Jessie was the one who found him.  They had some issues in the past and Jessie was able to write about this on his blog.  I find that we are really lacking on empathy with our current national leadership, but what I saw from Jessie yesterday was totally empathy despite issues.
I love Jessie and Elise and I know that Dave feels the same way that I do.  We are so blessed to have them in our life and to have them as such good friends.  And I feel as though I found as good a man in Dave as Elise found in Jessie.  They are two of the finest men I know and they put up with Elise and I (although I am a lot more to put up with than Elise)!
How blessed we are and I am so thankful for Jessie, Elise, Dave, and our friendship!!!

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