Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Two out of three of these "W" words have not been my favorite as of late.  As I have written before, the WORST (another W word) part of this whole cancer journey has been waiting to get a diagnosis, then the results of lab work, then what treatment is going to be, etc. etc. etc.  During the wait, the worrying was a huge part of every day and night.  I have dealt with a lot of things in my life and come through it okay.  This is really different.  It is truly a matter of life and death and the not knowing is so awful.

The doctor and nurses encouraged me to walk as much as possible.  Some friends who have had a hysterectomy couldn't do anything for six weeks.  The only thing I can't do is lift anything over 10 pounds.  Other than that, there were several things I shouldn't have done the first two weeks.  I didn't and was careful.  But I did start walking.  When I walk, I listen to books on my iphone.  That makes the walking easy.  I have bought several as that is what I am going to do during chemo treatments is listen to books.

Every day I have  tried to add one or two blocks.  I started out very slowly.  I think it was Wednesday after the surgery.  Yesterday, exactly two weeks after the complete hysterectomy, I made it 1.25 miles.  I was exhausted when I got home and very grateful that we had a frozen lasagna made by a friend so didn't have to worry about dinner.  Actually, I have quit worrying about dinner.  Some days things taste really good and others not as good.  I am sure that I going to continue to be an issue over the next few months.

I know that they encourage walking when going through chemo.  I will just have to play it by ear to see what I can and can't do.  I intend to push myself but I will also be very careful.   

This morning I have the hair cut and this afternoon a board meeting starting at 4 so it will be a busy day.  Fortunately, the weather is nice so I should be able to get at least a short walk in sometime late morning.  

I can now drive which I am happy about.  I didn't have anywhere to go yesterday but will drive myself to get my hair cut.  Dave will drive me to the board meeting.  That is not because I can't, but ever since my cataract surgery, I have had some trouble at nights with the headlights on cars.  Normally that would be okay, but right now I will feel better if I don't have to drive.

1 remarks:

Nancy Proffitt said...

You are doing amazing Sheila and I’m so happy that things seem to be falling into place‼️ Keep that positive attitude‼️