Thursday, June 13, 2024

Appointments, Appointments, Appointments..............

 The title of this post speaks for itself!  It seems that is mainly what we do anymore.  Between Dave's back doctor and all of my various doctors, we spend a lot of time going to different appointments.   The good news for him is that he is going to try a fairly new procedure where they implant a stimulator in his back.  He has an MRI on Saturday and then they will try the stimulator for a week.  Both his back specialist and the pain doctor are very supportive of this.  I am happy for him because he loves to golf and this should help him be able to continue to play.  It is more than just a sport for him as it is also such a social sport.  I never realized how social it is, but he makes so many friends because of golf.  

As for me, I finally got into Virginia Piper for this next  Monday.  The two different people that I spoke to there were so incredibly nice.  I did some research on it and they do a lot of different medical research.  According to their website, there are currently about six different trials for endometrial cancer.  I don't think looking forward to it is exactly the right way to describe it, but I am very hopeful and anxious for this appointment.  I continue to feel good for the most part so it's hard to imagine that there is anything no so good going on in my body.

I found out some information about Virginia Piper.  She moved to Phoenix in the 20's I believe.  Her husband was the president of Motorola.  After he died, she married again and after her second husband passed, she started this foundation,  I believe in signs as being positives in my life.  It turns out that the current CEO happens to be someone I know.  Steve Zablinski was the CEO of St. Vincent de Paul for many years.  I got to know him because of my Uncle Matt.  Matt was one of the founders of St. Vincent in Phoenix many years ago.  They named the chapel at their main campus after my Uncle Matt.  Through the years we attended several different activities and I got to know Steve.  A few years back when we gave them a tax credit, he wrote me a personal message on the form letter.  I will not interact with him at all with this, but I look at it as a positive sign.

So as busy as we are with these appointments, it is looking better and better that we are going to be able to get to Montana!  For that I am very anxious!

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