Saturday, June 22, 2024

Thank you to my wonderful husband, Dave Uggetti!

I spent the majority of my adult life single.  I was divorced in 1979 when Patrick was about six months old.  It was a very rocky marriage for the seven years we were married with many back and forth tries.  I really wanted my marriage to work, but there was just no way that was going to happen,  Many things have happened since that have proven I made a very poor choice.  The only good thing that came from it are my kids.  Jim was never a father to them and didn't pay child support for the majority of the time.  I could have used the money, but his complete lack of making any effort with my kids was the hard part.  They didn't understand.  I'm not sure they understand now as adults because I certainly don't get it.

Through the years I dated a little bit but nothing that had any promise.  I honestly didn't have time between raising my kids and working.  Plus I had heard too many horror stories about step dads and seen too much of blended families to want that.  

So meeting Dave was not something I ever expected and then to have him be the wonderful human being that he is certainly wasn't expected.  He is so good to me and to my family.  I went from living alone to being with someone 24/7 since we are both retired.  So even though it has been six years, I think it has been way longer than that because of how much time we spend together.  And I mean that in a very positive way.

Not only is he kind, good, honest and just an all around good human being, he has a wonderful family.  I love his cousins and they have become some of the best friends I have ever had.  Everyone has been great to me. However, Chuck, Maura, and Gary are truly special in our lives  

I can't begin to explain what he means to me.  His calmness is certainly good for me!  He just shakes his head at me a lot of the time, but I know that he truly loves me.  To have found this kind of love at my age is a blessing that I never dreamed would  happen.  He is truly one of the good guys and I can't begin to express how much I love him and enjoy his company.

Dave Uggetti, I know you didn't know what you were getting into but thank you for doing that and being by my side during all of the difficult days I have had and showing me a love I didn't know could happen for me.  I love you more each day and I am so thankful to have you by my side,  You are still an example of what Eagle Scout should be 60 years later!!!   You are the best person and it is obvious with the many friends you have who truly care for you.  

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