Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I'm Going on "TRIAL"!!!!!!!!!!

This is probably the only time "going on trial" is truly a wonderful occurrence.   The closest I ever got to anything in the legal system was one time I fought a ticket for parking my car in front of the house and apparently I was  parked to close to the stop sign.   I lost and had to pay a fine.  I don't usually criticize police officers, etc., but don't they have anything better to do with their time?   I didn't like being in front of a judge at all even though it was truly not a real trial!

When I meet with Dr. Bhoola, he gave Dave and I so  many options for dealing with the reoccurrence of endometrial cancer.  It was too much information and bad news all at the same time  I finally asked Dr. Bhoola what he would do if it was his wife.  He said he would try to get in on a trial at Virginia Piper Cancer Research Center.  I needed no other information as I trust him implicitly,  I could not have found another doctor who I would have trusted anymore.  He truly cares and is so knowledgeable.  I didn't know this, but gynecologist oncologists are hard to find because of the training they must go through for this specialty.  In addition, he is one of the kindest humans around.   I have found in my limited experience that people who go into oncology are a different kind of person.  I have seen nothing but kindness, empathy and understanding of what a patient is going through.

So the office staff got me scheduled for everything needed to get into Virginia Piper which included blood work, scans and most importantly a biopsy.  It was hard waiting on all of the stars to align. The scheduler at Dr. Bhoola's office was another one who was incredible.  I finally got the call to go in on Monday.  Even though I was anxious, it really wasn't that a long time before I got in.  I have been so lucky to not be put off like I hear from so many others.

Everyone at Virginia Piper were also incredibly kind and nice!  That is important to me.   When you get treated well, I think it makes so much difference.  I already love my new oncologist, Dr. K.  

When I got there he explained that it will be level 1 trial.  What that means is that it has only been tested sucessfully in a petrie dish and then with animals with cancer.  There are no placebos at this level which was a huge plus to me.   They only have about 50 people accepted and only three at a time.  They have a board that meets with all of the patient information and that board decides who qualifies and for what trial.  The board had already met and they had all of my information to use to decide.  And I was "chosen" to be a part of this.  There are only three at a time who get to start so sometimes you have to wait to get the three people.  All the stars were there for me and I start tomorrow!  I asked a lot of questions but there are many more that I have been writing down since.  I was emotionally drained and my tears came freely because I had been preparing myself for it not being a good match for me and just how thankful I am for this opportunity.   No matter what happens, I will know that I have done something to help others.  

I told Dr. K that I am still very active and involved.  He encouraged me to continue to do what I love to do and told me that there is no reason I shouldn't continue my board commitments.  Most of the time, I feel fine.  So I am going to go ahead and run for the board!

So tomorrow can't come fast enough.  I know there will be tough times ahead but I have already faced a lot of those tough times.   Here's to continuing being the feisty, tough old lady who was very well trained by an incredible role model--Margaret Shannon!!  I will always believe that she taught me that. And I also believe that I got the empathy and kindness example from my wonderful Aunt Teresa.   I am blessed!!!!


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