Sunday, June 23, 2024

Signs! Yes, I believe in Signs!

I have always believed in signs and throughout my life I have experienced different times when I felt like something that happened was a sign.  The vast majority of these signs were very positive.  Throughout this "journey that I never wanted to be on", I have been positive but there have been many times where that was very difficult.  Facing something like this took me through a whole range of emotions--some good and some not.  Wanting to be hopeful is important, but facing the reality is also important.  I believe a good attitude helps but there is truly nothing one can do other than how you react and how you present yourself to others.  I know so many people who were wonderful, religious people who prayed and had so many people pray for them and it wasn't meant to be and at the same time, there were a lot of others where that worked.  I also believe that there are no guarantees ever and anything can happen to anyone at anytime.  Living life to the fullest each day is what it is all about whether you are very ill or completely fine.  Each day brings us closer and closer to finding something that can help someone.  

Getting the tough news that the cancer had returned was difficult, but as I have always said, Dr. Bhoola treats the whole person.  He isn't one of these doctors who will do anything to keep a person alive without a quality of life and I appreciate that.   He was positive, yet realistic and gave me several options.  I have written about this previously. 

I felt so good about being accepted into the trial at Virginia Piper.  I know that there is a lot of great research going on right now and to be able to participate in it is a gift to me and hopefully a gift for women in the future.   And I really like my new doctor and can tell he is very dedicated to what he does and extremely knowledgeable.   He told me that he turns down about 85% of requests for trials because he will only work with pharma companies that he believes have integrity among a many other things,  I was very impressed by this.

I have always heard about Virginia Piper but didn't know much about her or the work that the foundation has going on.  I did some research.  Her story of philanthropy is  awesome.  I got to the part where they wrote about the CEO of the Virginia Piper Trust and the gentleman's name is Steve Zablinski.  I know him and the work that he does.  For the past many years, he has been the CEO of St. Vincent de Paul here in Maricopa County.   My wonderful uncle, Matthew Scott, was a founder of the Phoenix St. Vincent de Paul in the 1930's.  Through the years, I attended several functions there with our family and got to know Steve and his work.  I saw how he interacted with the people who came to eat and get medical care there and I could tell what a good human he was.  Several years ago, they named the chapel at the 7th Ave. "campus" after my Uncle Matt.  A few years ago, Dave and I gave our tax credit to them and Steve wrote a short note to me on the  form letter.  So that was the first sign for me,  I believe that Steve would only work for a top notch organization.  I know he has nothing to do with what I am participating in, but it is still a connection or a positive sign to me.

After my first appointment, I found out that I would have a coordinator and a nurse assigned to me who would be with me throughout my time there.  I talked to Aubrey and she couldn't have been nicer.  On Thursday, I met her along with my nurse Pat SHANNON!   Now that's a big connection as Shannon is not a common last name.  She is awesome and loved that we shared the name.  We hit it off right away.  As we talked, it turns out she lives here in Gilbert and not very far away from us. It is probably about a mile away.  I had some paperwork to turn in to them and I somehow had one of my petitions for Governing Board in the middle of it.  So Pat SHANNON signed my petition!  Another huge positive sign in my eyes.

Now I am just waiting on getting a CAT scan scheduled and then thee will be a calendar to I can see what my first 30 days will be like.  I am tied down to being here, but that is okay.   I feel great and feel positive and I am going to carry on like I have for the past three (and the previous 72) and continue to live life to the fullest and be able to continue to serve our community.  It is important to me to be involved and to be able to give back.  Both of my doctors agreed with me!

I look at this as a wonderful opportunity not just for me.  No matter what happens, this will be helpful to the future treatment of this cancer, which has been one of the least researched cancers out there.  

I am anxious to get started and I know that there will probably be some rough days but nothing I haven't experienced before.  Cancer, you don't realize that you picked the wrong old lady.  This old lady doesn't believe in giving up and I will give everything I have.  And hopefully all of these signs will prove that they are positive ones for me!


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