Sunday, May 15, 2022


The past few days I have been feeling good and have regained a bit of  strength.  I have been able to do a few things without being totally wiped out.  

Monday I got my nails and toes done and then we went out to dinner with some friends that Dave has made golfing.  It never ceases to amaze me how easily he makes friends.  We had a nice dinner and I enjoyed his friends.  They live here in the winter and Bozeman in the summer.

Tuesday I went to our board policy meeting which is held during the day.  It was good to be able  to think about something other than this journey.  I never thought many years ago that I would ever enjoy policy, but I do!

Later that afternoon, I went to a birthday HH for one of my dear friends, Kathy.  She turned 60 and it was so nice for me to get out with some of the wonderful teachers I worked with at Gilbert El.  I haven't been able to attend anything for such a long time.   It was refreshing.

Last night I made chicken enchiladas ALL BY MYSELF and cleaned up the kitchen.   That is also something that has happened very often the past several months.  For some reason, I was really hungry last night which is another thing that hasn't happened much.  I definitely over did it!!  But one day is okay.

After dinner, I had a bit of a meltdown but tried to get myself together quickly.  I was reflecting as to why this happened and I think it is because I am down to a little over a week for my last treatment.  Don't get me wrong, I am very much  looking forward to getting the last chemo done.   I then have to wait about three weeks and get the PET Scan which will tell whether or not all of the cancer is gone.  The one I had in December showed absolutely know cancer and at that time, I had only three chemo treatments.   Since then, I have had two more chemo treatments, 14 radiation treatments and then three brachytherapy treatments.

My last chemo is scheduled for Monday, May 23.  I get bloodwork done next Friday to determine if I can have the chemo as scheduled.   I am hoping that everything will be okay.

While reflecting, I think it hit me that I am down to the wire and then find out if all of the treatment has worked.   I feel positive that it has.  However with cancer, one always has to understand that it  can return somewhere else.    That is why it is so important to "live one day  at a time."  That is easier said than done.

As with every "pity party" that I have had, I tend to get over them fairly quickly.  I can't say that I am not nervous about the next several weeks.   I also know that my body is going to take some time to recover from the ordeal that I have been through.   I just have to make sure that when I am feeling good that I don't overdo it.   That will be hard for me!!

So the countdown begins..........

TO BE CONTINUED.....................!

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