Sunday, June 5, 2022

June 5--National Cancer Survivor Day

Today is National Cancer Survivor Day.   I think I can count myself in this group at this point.  I finished my last chemo two weeks ago tomorrow--May 23.   That concludes all of the treatment that has been recommended for me.   I started the treatment journey with the hysterectomy and then had three chemo treatments three weeks apart.  I then made the decision to try radiation even though Dr. Bhoola felt I didn't need to do it.  That decision on my part contributed to the sickest I have ever been in my life.   Radiation was certainly not for me as it caused a lot of inflammation in my intestines that became life threatening.  I did make it through 14 radiation treatments and three brachytherapy treatments.  Had to take a bit of a rest before finishing the final three chemo treatments.

BUT I MADE IT!!!  The last three chemos I finally figured out how to stay in front of the bad days so they weren't awful.  I am actua  lly feeling quite good two weeks out and hoping that my strength will start to come back sooner rather than later.

This week will bring the PET Scan on Wednesday that will determine if there is any cancer anywhere.  The last one that I got in December, I was completely cancer free.  That was only after three chemos.   Am I worried?  I have to say "yes" but I am also positive and hopeful that the results will be the same.   

I have a ticket to fly to Butte on Thursday and will do my appointment with Dr. Bhoola over the phone.   

If everything is clear, I will be checked every three months to make sure that it hasn't returned somewhere else.  I have thought a lot about this and have decided the only thing I have any control over is taking care of myself and living each day to the fullest and I will be doing that for sure!!!

Of course, my sense of humor has gotten me through a lot of this even on the bad days.   When I went in for bloodwork prior to my last chemo, I was very worried about having to postpone the chemo because that had happened the treatment before because of low platelets.  I waited for my results and all was good.   I sent a text to the family to let them know the news.   My text read, "I passed!"   After I sent it, I realized that I did pass the blood test but that was probably not the best choice of words!!!

TO BE CONTINUED!........................................

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