Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ushering in the New Year!

I rarely get sick, especially since my asthma has gotten totally under control.  I use to have at least one asthma related episode every year, but I did my best to not allow it to get the better of me.

For the past several years, I have had a few sinus infections or bronchitis, but nothing major.   In August, I lost my voice off and on for about six weeks.  It happened the day of Teresa's burial.  I didn't really feel bad, but trying to talk at times was exhausting.

I didn't feel well over New Year's Eve weekend.  I had a mild case of bronchitis.  I was in the backyard hosing off the cool deck and the turf when I pulled the hose.  Somehow, I ended up in the pool.  It was COLD!!!  Fortunately, I was able to get out even though I was in shock from the cold and falling in the pool so quickly!  It took me a few hours to get warm, even after a hot shower and putting my pj's on.

Between coughing and sneezing, it was fairly miserable.  Lack of sleep didn't help.   On Tuesday, a headache was really bad.  I went to Urgent Care and have a very severe sinus infection.  I am thinking that the "December Swim" may have contributed to it a bit.

A strong antibiotic, cough medicine, and another prescription certainly have made a difference.    Even though I am not 100%, what a difference!

I am not good at being "sick" and I know that is part of the problem.  I can't seem to just rest.  With Patrick here, it was hard not to do things. I made him green chili burros and beans.  Last night Judy came over and fixed tostados which really helped.

Here's hoping that I got all of the bugs out of the way for the rest of 2018.  Looking forward to the second year of my four year term on the GPS Board. Things are looking up!!

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