Saturday, February 19, 2022

One Third Plus One Day Completed!

 I MADE IT THROUGH THE WHOLE WEEK GETTING THIS "C" RADIATED OUT OF ME!  Each day I was nervous.  A few posts ago, I wrote that I thought I had the preparation all figured out and no more worries!  Was I ever wrong about that!  However, I am doing everything the doctor tells me to do and a few things that Judy is helping me with so all week was fairly good.  

As of yesterday, I fully completed 10 treatments with 17 to go.  When I met with the doctor on Wednesday, he felt things were going really well, but that he wanted to take it week to week because I could need a rest break somewhere during this time.  I told him I wanted to get it done but I will also do whatever he says.

We also had a talk about how difficult social isolation has been for me.  He encouraged me to get out more.  So Thursday Dave and I went to the casino for a bit and then went to dinner (late Valentine's Day) at Longhorn Steakhouse.  Dave had a filet and I got his lobster tail and ordered an extra baked potato.  I like Longhorn as their food is good and all servers wear masks. Plus I have to be careful what I eat right now.  It was just nice to get out for a bit.  I had hoped we could do something this weekend, but weekends really are a time for rest--I guess to prepare for the next week.

However as I said, this is all worth it and although I am tired, I don't feel badly and I am still very positive.  I am anxious to get out and start doing a few more things.

TO BE CONTINUED.............!

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