Sunday, January 30, 2022

Angels of Hope!


I belong to this incredible group on Facebook that my dear friend who is an author and storyteller started a bit after the pandemic hit.  Every week a different member is the host for the "virtual diner."  Usually there is a theme that the host does for the week.  When it was my turn, I used the Butte cookbook that has the history of the origin of so many foods that miners who emigrated to this country brought with them.  

Many of the members are storytellers, retired librarians and teachers from all over the country.  We post what we are having for dinner that night.   We have shared recipes and become friends.   I look forward to reading and sharing each evening.   As with any group, there are always people that you find you have a lot in common with.

When I first found out my cancer diagnosis, this is the only group on social media that I shared anything with and still is.   The support has  been incredible.

One of the members in particular has reached out to me as she is a cancer survivor.  She sends me a message of positivity almost every morning.   Since she lives in Georgia and gets up early, the message is there when I wake up.  We have "chatted" about so many things and she has been such a support.  Although we have never met, I feel as though she has become a good friend and I believe she feels that way about me.  We have much in common and that is always helpful.   She is a retired librarian and we both believe in the importance of libraries and the availability of books.

This afternoon Dave went to pick up the mail.   We hadn't gotten the mail for a few days and there  were several cards from Georgia.  As I opened them, I have to admit that I got very teary.  Most had a handwritten note and some kind of "angel" enclosed.  I immediately knew that this was Judy's doing.   I messaged her and she told me it was an angel ministry that helped her during some difficult times.  I know that receiving these today meant the world to me.

Judy, thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your caring, concern, and knowing what I am dealing with at this time.  You are truly the best and I can't thank you enough.  You are absolutely an ANGEL in my life and I am so grateful! 

TO BE CONTINUED..............!

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