Thursday, January 27, 2022

GPS Governing Board

During this journey, many of the activities that I participated in the past have been curtailed.  Mostly this is because of the pandemic and having to be extremely careful of not getting COVID.   The majority of what I have done since I have retired has to do with my role on the board and getting to participate in school activities and my absolute favorite activity--reading to kids.

It also hasn't been a particularly good time to be on a governing board with all of the differences of opinion and how angry so many people are right now.  I have never seen anything like this in my now 50 years in education.

However, it has been important to me to remain on the Board as it gives me a purpose and I feel that I do a good job.  No matter what, no one can say that I don't care about public education and especially, Gilbert Public Schools.

I made the decision that I would not resign and that continues to be how I feel.  Unless something unforeseen happens, I will finish my term which is over in 2025.  I have only missed a couple of meetings and most of the time, I have been able to do the meeting telephonically.  I am proud of my service and know that I still have a lot  to give.  

At our first meeting in January, we elect a board president and a board clerk.  I was very fortunate to be elected board clerk.  I am proud that I have served two years as board president and now a year as board clerk.  I will continue to give everything I can for the betterment of our wonderful District.

The only bad part is that I have to wear my wig to the meetings.............

TO BE CONTINUED...............!!!

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