Monday, January 24, 2022

January is Birthday Month

January is my birthday month which has always been a reason to "party hardy" in my life. I am so happy that I was able to have a big celebration for my 70th birthday three years ago!  It was so much fun.   This year between the pandemic and the "c" diagnosis, it wasn't much of a time to do anything major--just celebrate another year.  It is hard for me to believe that I am 73.   Despite all of the setbacks I have had lately, I still don't feel that I could possibly be "this damn old."

Lots has happened and I need to get over my writer's block and post this journey.  So that is my goal (or at least one of them)!

We were able to go out for a nice dinner at the Seafood Market for my birthday.  I love fish and it is hard to get good fish here in Arizona.

Dave was so thoughtful and sent me a dozen absolutely beautiful red roses.  They were delivered with a beautiful card.  I have rarely received flowers in my life and he is always so thoughtful about this.


I was going to post a picture on Facebook with the roses and realized just before I did it that I had the "Fuck Cancer" sign in the background.  Decided that might not be a wise decision so took a different picture.

After my bout with diverticulitis that really threw me, I had a couple of IV's here at the house to help with dehydration.   I must say that I had never heard of this before and they are amazing!  

I was feeling good so we had decided to go to Green Valley and spend a few days with Dave's cousins, Chuck and Maura.  I am normally not comfortable staying at someone's house, but that is not an issue with Chuck and Maura.   So Wednesday I had an IV with a bunch of extra supplements because I knew it would help me with energy.   So Thursday we drove down to Green Valley.  It was the best three days I have had in a long time. We had a wonderful dinner that Maura made Thursday night.  On Friday Maura and I went to the casino while Chuck and Dave golfed.   After we went to a Mexican restaurant and I had MENUDO--the dinner of champions.  Saturday we watched football and visited.   We left early Sunday morning.  I can't thank them enough for their hospitality.  It was so fun.  I absolutely love both of them and am so glad to have cousins like them.

Lots of other things have happened and I am really going to try to write more.  

TO BE CONTINUED...........! 

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