Saturday, January 15, 2022

Writer's Block and a Few Other Complications

For the past few weeks I have had writer's block plus a few other complications that I certainly don't want to go into for my "sensitive" readers!  

I had my last chemo on Dec. 22 and did well.  I had previously had a CT or PET scan and met with Dr. Bhoola on the day of chemo.  My scan was good and we discussed further radiology.  He believes that we can cut back on how many sessions I have but I am leaving it up to the radiology oncologist that I will see on this week on the 20th.

The scan showed a flareup of diverticulitis and I can honestly say that has been my first set back.  Having had a few flareups before, it isn't fun.  Combined with the chemo, it kind of knocked my on my butt.  However, I really am still doing well considering everything.  One of the side effects was that I got super dehydrated.  I found out that I could get a nursing service where they come to your house and do IV electrolytes.  What a miracle that has been!  I have had three and will get one more next week.  I never realized how dehydration makes one feel.  The funny part is that the nurses told me that they often get called out to do this from people who have been out partying the night before.  Wow!   That is now one of my goals!  When I am all done, I am going to party hardy one night and set up an in home IV!  Something to look forward to doing!

It did put a bit of a damper on both Christmas and New Year's but we managed to have a nice dinner for both eve's and days thanks to my family.  

We continue to be very careful, but my bloodwork has come back good which means I can get out a bit more.   Because of where we live and the disregard for masking, we are extremely careful where we go.  

We were able to go to a Frontier Basketball tournament at Chandler/Gilbert.  It was small colleges from Montana and Arizona mostly.  We got to watch the Western Montana, Dave's alma mater,  play.  There were very few people in the gym and sat up high in the last row fully masked and very careful.  It was fun.

Over the holidays, I had the opportunity to go to lunch at three different friends houses to visit and just be able to feel some normalcy.  All are fully vaccinated and all were so accommodating.  I am grateful for these wonderful friends!

I know I need to document this so when I am DONE with this process and back to good health, I will be able to look back and read about it.  

I continue to be positive and am anxious to meet with the radiologist on Thursday.  I will do as many treatments as he suggests and then will have three more chemo treatments when that is done.  It is hard to make any plans right now because of the uncertainty of what treatments will occur next, when and how long.  I continue to be in good spirits.  What I have found out is the only two things I have control over at this point are my attitude and how I take care of myself.  I believe I am doing well on both!

I am truly going to try to write a few times a week.  Even though my life is a bit boring right now, I do have a lot to document. 

I can't say enough about Dave and how he has handled all of this.  His kindness and patience with me during all of the good and difficult days is beyond anything I could ever imagine.  How fortunate I am to have this wonderful man in my life and love me the way he does!!!

TO BE CONTINUED................!

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