Saturday, January 29, 2022

National Holocaust Day

I was thinking earlier this week when it was National Holocaust Day. It brought back some memories of the year I taught in Germany in the late 70s. I will never forget when we visited Dachau, a concentration camp in Germany. It is hard to explain this but from the minute we went in until we left, I could feel the evil. It was pervasive throughout the time we were there. Although there was that awful feeling, I absolutely believe it is something everyone should experience if they have the opportunity. We don’t ever want to repeat this awful time in our history. 

Another memory I have is about the little village we lived in. We were the only Americans who lived there. Cars belonging to military had a distinct license plate. One Sunday morning there was a knock on our door. There were two couples from New Jersey and the women were sisters. They had seen the car and knew we were Americans. They had grown up in the house next door until the mid thirties when their father was able to get them to the US because they were Jewish and he could see what was coming. It was the first time they had been back to Germany since they were small children. I invited them in and we had a wonderful conversation. I learned so much. 
I have thought about this a lot during the week and decided to share this experience. It is important that we never forget.
TO BE CONTINUED.................! 

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