Monday, January 31, 2022

Happy Birthday, Judy!

Today is Judy's birthday.  Since we can't got out very much because of lack of social distancing and masks, we celebrated here at our house on Saturday night.  I know that we didn't have her favorite dinner or one that she picked out because I have been whining so much about wanting crab legs.  Fortunately, they were on sale (but still very expensive) at Frys.   Dave doesn't like crab legs so we got a couple of nice steaks at the butcher shop for Dave and anyone else who wanted a little more to eat.

Kerri fixed the baked potatoes and cooked the crab legs in the pot we have.  They were perfect.   Judy made her typical great salad and Patrick barbecued he steaks on the grill.  I did nothing and it wasn't even my birthday.   Cameron had other plans so he missed the great dinner.  

I have to say that the crab legs really hit the spot with me.  They are one of my favorite foods and it is unfortunate that they are so expensive.  I need to start learning to fix  fish as I haven't done that much and it is really good for me right now.

Dave wanted to get some kind of cake for Judy to thank her for all that she has done for us and to celebrate her birthday.  As I have said before, I am not sure what we would do without her support and love.

We called Baskin Robbins and they had plenty of cakes already made.  Patrick went to get one and they were nice enough to write "Happy birthday, Judy" on it.  Our only mistake was taking the cake out so late that it made it very hard to cut it between the ice cream and frozen cake.  If all else fails, read the directions, but even that wouldn't have helped us.   We had birthday candles but only lit one and didn't put it in the cake.  We had her blow it out away from the cake.

Below are the pictures of the cake when we first took it out and then trying to cut it more than 30 minutes late.   I must say it was delicious.  Judy did take what was left home so she got something.  I feel badly that I didn't even get her a card this year.  I will make it up next year and hopefully we will be able to go out and celebrate in the near future.

So happy birthday, Judy.  I am glad you were born and I am more than grateful that "we" were able to adopt you.  I will never forget the day you came home from the hospital--I think about six weeks after your were born.  I could hardly wait to get home from kindergarten to meet you and hold you.  I remember sitting in the little red rocker holding you in my arms.   That was  one of the best days of my life!

TO BE CONTINUED...............!

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