Monday, October 9, 2017

Summarizing 94 Years Remembered in 94 Days--Post 94

When I embarked on this 94 day journey, it was to help me deal with my grief of losing Teresa, remembering my mom,  thinking of all of our aunts and uncles who have passed,  thinking about the difficulty of cleaning out and selling of 858 in Douglas and the end of an era of the fact that no more Scotts will live in this house or in Douglas. Our family has been here since 1912, the year that Arizona became a state. As I got started, I realized that 94 posts was going to be difficult to write about 94 different events, people, etc.

Writing has always been a great source of help for me in many situations.   There was a period during my time in Douglas that I couldn't write.   It was for a variety of reasons, but most importantly, I couldn't share my thoughts on a public blog.   I had seriously considered closing it and did a couple of times.    Every time I did, I would get an email from someone asking about it.   I finally decided that I would open it up no matter what, but I was still very careful what I wrote.     

There was one particular person who did everything to make my life as miserable as possible.   This person had access to my blog and used some things that I wrote against me.    It was a very difficult time.    When I finally decided to retire, it was very hard because I wanted one more year down here.   And that hurt Teresa, too, because she couldn't be left down here. However, I don't want to dwell on that negative, awful person as I believe that experience helped me in many ways and has served me well during the last ten months on the GPS Board.

It is fitting that the end of the 94 days is the day after my mom's birthday.  And it is also fitting that I am in Douglas.

In cleaning out the house, I have discovered so much material for this blog.   There are things I had never seen before.   Just this past week, I found even more articles, pictures, and letters.

I love to write about humorous events. And some of these posts have been that.   Some of what I have written has been from my heart--like this one today.   Other posts were letters and articles that I found and posted.   But I can honestly say that it has been a great 94 days and has helped me deal with the end of this era and the understanding that "life goes on."

So today is my last official 94 Day Post. But it isn't going to be the end of my writing about our family as I still have a lot of information that I want to record on this blog for our family history.   I just won't be doing this on a daily basis (or then maybe I will).    It just depends.

The remainder of this week will be finishing up the cleaning of the house.   Most is done but there is still quite a bit to take care of.   And I will probably write about that as the days progress.

On October 15, we will close the doors both literally and figuratively on this home that we love and turn the keys over the the realtor.   I truly believe it will sell quickly as it is such a great house.    I just hope that the family who lives in it, will take loving care of it like my mom and Teresa did,  and Johnny, Grandpa and Grandma before them.

Although it will no longer be ours, the incredible memories can never be taken away.   I hope that the posts I have done will keep alive the memories of our family.

I know that Teresa would want me to do this because family was so important to her.   She loved all of us dearly.   She will be missed, but we were so fortunate to have her for almost 95 years.

As I said, I know I will continue writing about the family memories but not each day.

What a journey this has been for me and how much I have learned about our family history!   I will end with this quote that I found which summarizes the last 94 days.

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