Sunday, May 3, 2020

858 14th/2020

Those of you who have known me for a long time, know how much our house/home in Douglas means to me. My grandfather bought this house in 1918 and all of my aunts and uncles grew up there. I was privileged to grow up there, too. So many wonderful memories with friends through the years who came for lunch or dinner or to play in the yard. I was able to spend summers there when my kids were little. I lived there with my aunt Teresa from 2010-2015. During those many years, we had kids from Gilbert come on field trips and had them for dinner and fun times. After our aunt Teresa died in 2017, we had to sell it. I spent most of the October of that year cleaning out almost 100 years of our family. One of the hardest days of my life was the day I left the house.    I remember so well locking the door and getting in the car. I cried a lot. I have not been able to go back except for the one day I took Dave by the house in 2018.

Fortunately,  It sold quickly.  Yesterday my friend, Gloria Emanuel, sent me this picture that she took recently. Although I got teary, I am so happy that the family who bought this wonderful house, cares about it. They are taking such good care of it, just like our family did for 99 years. I know it is just a house, but will always be more than that to me. So many wonderful memories that can never be forgotten. 858 14th Street was the best place to grow up and will always be!

After seeing these picture, I may be able to go back and see it.  I am so glad that the family loves it like we do!

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