Friday, May 1, 2020

National Principals' Day

I didn't even realize that today is National Principals' Day.  I don't remember there being a day for principals.  I know we had Boss's Day in October, but didn't realize this.  I have received a few texts and messages from former teachers thanking me and saying really nice things.  It means a lot.  I know that I was a good principal, but only because I had the best teachers and staff who made me look good.  I will always be thankful for that.  

Having wonderful teachers makes kids and parents happy.  As a result of that, it made my job easier and I could take some credit for what they did.  It was about them and their hard work.

I will always say that being an elementary principal is the best job in the world.  Nothing will ever change my opinion on that. 

How fortunate I was during my 21 years at Gilbert El!

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