Sunday, April 24, 2022

Light at the End of the Tunnel!

Wednesday is my second to last chemo treatment!  The last one is scheduled three weeks later (May 18)!  So finally, there is a "light at the end of the tunnel."   I will be glad to be done with them.   However, even though I have a few rough days on the weekend after and I still can't get any energy back, chemo has been nothing compared to radiation.  

Three weeks later, I have to get a PET Scan done to see if the cancer is gone.  I have it scheduled for June 8.  I know that there will be a few "nervous" days between now and when I get the results.  The good thing for me is that I have been cancer free since my hysterectomy and when I had the PET Scan done in December after the first three chemo treatments, there was absolutely no cancer detected.   I am hoping, praying and staying positive for the same results.

The only issue we have is when to leave for Montana.  Both Dave and I are anxious to get there, but I can't go until after June 8.  Our two options is that we leave right after graduation and then I fly back for the scan or Dave and someone in the family drives up with him (high maintenance pugs) and I stay here and fly to Butte right after the scan.   Dr. Bhoola said we can do the appointment for the results either on zoom or over the phone so that I can get to Montana.

I love Arizona and our home here in Gilbert.  I am very content with all that we have and what I will soon be able to do again.   However, Butte is my "happy place" and I can hardly wait to get up there.   I have had to learn a lot of "patience" over the last nine months so this is just one more lesson for me.

I will say that going through a diagnosis of cancer and then the treatment, did cause me to rethink a lot about priorities in life.  Sometimes we just can't make plans too far in advance because of a variety of reasons.

I am looking forward to getting my strength back and being able to do more tasks around the house and try to get back to a regular walking routine.  I know it is going to take some time which will once again test my "new found patience" gene!!!  But I will get there!

I am thankful that Dave already has patience.  He has been through a lot with me and I can't thank him enough for his support, caring and love.   Did I ever luck out when I met and married this wonderful man.

So soon this part of my journey will be over and hopefully the next will be full recuperation!!!  

TO BE CONTINUED..............!

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