Friday, April 29, 2022


I went in today at 11:00 for bloodwork to see how my platelets were and if I could have a chemo treatment as soon as possible.   On Monday, they were at 80,000. When I went in Wednesday for chemo and was sent home, they were at 85,000.  Needless to say,  I was very nervous as I truly want to get this behind me.  I had to wait a bit as they were very busy today.   The nurses are wonderful and always have a smile, a kind word and an encouraging word no matter how  busy they are.  I truly appreciate that.  They could tell how worried I was and they were extra kind.

I had to wait about  a half and hour to get the results.  I sat there quietly and observed their interactions with the other people in the room.  They treat everyone with kindness and encouragement.  A couple of times, one or the other came over and said they were trying to get my results as soon as possible but that things were very busy.   

I was so relieved when Lisa came over and told me I HAD PASSED and could come in Monday morning.  The platelets were up from 85,000 to 132,000.  I asked her how that could happen and she said it does often.   Once they start to go back up, it can be quickly.  I was just so relieved that I didn't care.  

It isn't that I look forward to chemo, but I truly want to get this behind me so I can start to get my strength back and to start having some fun again!!

I will know more Monday as to what the schedule will be for the last treatment and  the PET Scan and  getting to Butte.  If it goes according to this schedule, it will mean I will probably miss graduation,  which is very disappointing.   However, it is what it is and I can't do anything about it.  I just need to concentrate on getting completely well.

So I will prepare for Monday and I will be very glad to be down to the last chemo treatment in three weeks!!

TO BE CONTINUED.........................!

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