Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Lunch with my Tiger Buddy

Today I went to Gilbert El to have lunch with my tiger buddy. She is a fourth grader and asked if she could bring a friend to join us. Of course, that was fine.  Her wonderful teacher let me know what they wanted from McDonald's--cheeseburgers, fries, and a Sprite and a Dr. Pepper.  So I stopped at McDonald's and got their order.

Our weather has been rather warm this fall, but today was actually chilly.  It has been overcast all day.  The Gilbert El campus is absolutely beautiful and there are picnic tables all around the campus. It still was nice to sit outside with the girls.

I thoroughly enjoyed talking to both of the girls. They were excited to have lunch with me, as I was with them.

Tiger Buddies is a program that we started in the early 90's at Gilbert El. It is kind of like a big brother/big sister program. Adults mentor students who need a little extra TLC.

It is nice for me to be able to give back to a kiddo at my old stomping grounds! I love Gilbert El. It was such a big part of my life for the 21 years I was the principal there.  It is always nice to see friends who are still working there!

I am blessed!

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