Teresa is amazing in so many ways. She loves to visit family as much as possible. She always sees the good in people and has probably the deepest faith of anyone that I know. She spends a lot of time with us up here in the valley, but Douglas is still her home. She loves the house at 858 where she was born 87 years ago. I also love this home where I was raised!
This year has brought a couple of health scares for her. The latest is a reoccurrence of the breast cancer that she had 11 years ago. At that time, she had a lumpectomy and went through radiation. We were told that if one is to have cancer, that this is a very treatable kind.
Recently, she had a mammogram and it showed a spot. She had a needle biopsy that was malignant. We felt very positive about it after talking to her doctor up here. The doctor recommended that we take her to an oncologist.
The appointment with Dr. Calvacant was today at 3:00. I have heard many wonderful things about this doctor and after meeting him today, I can understand why so many people like and respect him.
He told us that about 7% of the people who have the cancer that she did, get it again. He also told us that the body can only take so much radiation. He recommended that we take her to a surgeon and that she have a mastectomy. He was very positive about this being a good treatment. My cousin, Yaya, has a surgeon in Phoenix that she trusts very much. Dr. Calvacant knows her and also spoke very highly of her. I tried to get an appointment, but the office is closed for the holiday weekend.
Teresa's greatest joy is our family and my cousins are so wonderful with her. I know how much they love her and how much she loves them. A few years ago, Kerri put Teresa on our cell phone plan and we bought her a cell phone. Recently, Kerri was looking at the statement and guess who had the most minutes of all of us??? It was Teresa!!! We have laughed about that and it would probably make a great T-Mobile commercial. All laughter aside, what those minutes say about her communicating with our family and her friends is a tribute to who she is---I firmly believe!
I know that many, many people have been saying prayers for this wonderful lady. I know she says prayers for all of us all of the time!!
In a few hours we will be welcoming 2010. How fortunate for the extended Scott Family originally from Douglas, Arizona that we have our wonderful, amazing Aunt Teresa in our lives!!!!